
How to Store Adapted Books

When it comes to storing adapted books, you have a lot of options! There isn't one right way (or a wrong way really) to store your books, either when you're using them or when you're storing them.

Today I'm going to share ways to store adapted books when they're in use and when they're not in use based on what I've done. Just remember that you...

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4 Different Ways to Prep and Use Adapted Books

With adapted books, you make them work for you and for the students in your classroom. You have options, and that's another part of what makes adapted books so great. Engaging, interactive, and versatile!

With each adapted book inside of Adapted Book Club comes a printable and digital option, perfect for helping you meet the needs of all of your...

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How to Prep a Printable Adapted Book

If you'd rather watch a video explanation, please visit The Academy portal inside your membership.

Step 1: Print out the adapted book you want to prep.

Step 2: Laminate all of the pages you printed. Also laminate a piece of cardstock to use as the base (where answer pieces are stored).

Step 3: Use scissors or a guillotine to cut on the dotted...

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Supplies Needed to Prep Adapted Books

When it comes to prepping adapted books, you have options when it comes to the supplies you'll need. I'm going to break the supply lists down into 3 categories to make it easiest for you to determine what you need.

Printable Laminated Adapted Books

  • Printer + Printer Paper
  • Colored Cardstock (not necessary - I use it as the mat to store the...
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