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Step 1: Download the adapted book you want to print.
Step 2: Open the PDF using Adobe Reader.
Step 3: File > Print.
Step 4: Select "Pages" and type in the adapted book pages you want to print. See image below. *DO NOT PRINT ANSWER PIECES YET*
Step 5: Under "Page Sizing and Handling", select "Multiple" and select 4 pages per sheet. See below.
Step 6: Print.
Step 7: Cut out the pages, and staple in the top left corner.
Step 1: You already have the adapted book downloaded.
Step 2: Open the PDF using Adobe Reader.
Step 3: File > Print.
Step 4: In "Pages to Print", select "pages" and choose the answer piece page you want to print.
Step 5: In "Page Sizing and Handling", select "Custom Scale" and put 50% in the box.
Step 6: Print.
Have students cut out the answer pieces and glue into the adapted book.
50% Complete
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